With unpredictable weather patterns all over the world, dry seasons have become much more severe and longer in some parts of our country. These long dry spells can mean droughts are inevitable and you need to take all the precautions possible to save your trees.
There is nothing worse for your trees than being hit with a drought. To ensure that they are protected, get in touch with us at Personal Touch Tree Service. We can help you fend off the dry spell and ensure your trees are as healthy as possible even during longer periods of droughts.
Here are a few ways you can alleviate the effects of drought on your trees and ensure they survive.
1. Monitor Moisture Levels
The most important thing you can do if you live in an area which has droughts is to have proper moisture level monitoring devices. If not, at least ensure that you manually check the moisture levels of the soil around the trees. Moisture meters are pretty accurate and they can give you a good idea of how much water the soil needs to sustain vegetation.
2. Understanding Watering Techniques
Watering is something that a lot of people think they do right but they might be wrong. The trust is that watering frequently does not help retain optimal moisture in the soil. For watering to be effective, you need to water deeply and infrequently. Watering deeply encourages better root growth and helps it absorb water better. Ideally, water during periods when the sun is at the lowest like early morning or late evening.
3. Using Mulch to Retain Moisture
Another technique that has been proven to reduce the effect of droughts is using mulch, which can help retain moisture. Watering a thick layer of mulch (2 – 4 inches) can act like a sponge for the tree and help retain water during droughts. When you’re laying mulch, ensure that you don’t do it right at the tree trunk but a distance away from it. Also, organic mulch, like wood chips or bark, can be used for this purpose because it holds moisture better.
4. Choosing Trees Resistant to Droughts
If you’re living in an area which is frequently dry then you might need to consider planting trees that are drought-resistant. A good place to start looking for these kinds of trees is the native tree species where you live. They are adapted to the local climate and are much more hardy when facing inclement weather conditions like droughts. Choose trees that have a deep system of roots which ensure maximum water absorption. Plan to plant these trees in cooler months so they can effectively take root before the dry spell starts.
5. Learning Effective Pruning Methods
Pruning plays a huge part in helping your tree survive a drought. To reduce the stress on the tree, ensure that you prune during the dormant months. Take care to remove dead or diseased branches from your tree to prevent it damaging your house. If you’re experienced with tree maintenance, you can thin out the canopy a bit so it consumes less water.
6. Installing Drip Irrigation Systems
Another way to ensure effective watering is by using drip irrigation systems. You can do this manually by setting up drip lines around the tree and not too close to the trunk. Using a timer, you can schedule it to deliver water improving the moisture saturation of the soil. The key here is to ensure maximum coverage but you need to spend a bit of time through trial and error before finalizing on the frequency and the amount of water.
7. Reducing Direct Sunlight
While sunlight is essential for the growth of the tree, excess sunlight can sap away the moisture in the soil. During summers, ensure that you have light colored tarps shading your tree from the sweltering sun. Using companion shrubs that don’t need much water is a great idea for preventing direct sunlight from drawing moisture away from the soil. Tree wraps work really well to keep the sun away from younger trees.
Read more: Protecting Your Trees from Sunburn
8. Assessing Tree Health
The most important thing you can do right now is to assess the health of your tree. Check for various factors like yellowing of the leaves, bark damage, pests, and diseases. Keeping track of soil metrics like moisture, pH and nutrients levels and taking action goes a long way to helping your trees ward off droughts.
With increased water consumption and erratic weather patterns, droughts have become far more severe. But with proper preparation and care, you can ensure that your trees come out stronger and healthier through the dry season.
If you want to take quick and decisive action against droughts affecting your trees, Personal Touch Tree Service can help. With decades of experience in the Dallas, TX, area, we have hundreds of positive reviews of our services. Call us for a quick and free assessment of your tree before the next drought hits!